Friday, November 27, 2015

5th Grade Book Read

I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving!

This week we will be reading The Liberation of Gabriel King by K. L. Going

You all received a copy on last Monday. Please remember to read pages 1 -26 (Chapters 1-5) this weekend. Book discussions start promptly at 8:30 each morning.

You may  use an ebook or an audiobook version of the story if that is your preference. 

Please be sure that you have read the pages listed below BY the date shown:

Monday, November 30
Pages 1 -26 
(Chapters 1-5)

Tuesday, December 1
Pages 27 - 56
(Chapters 6 - 10)

Wednesday, December 2
Pages 57 - 85
(Chapters 11 - 14)

Thursday, December  3
Pages 86 - 116
(Chapters 15 - 18)

Friday, December 4
Pages 117 - End
(Chapters 19 - End)

Monday, November 16, 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Monday, November 2, 2015

MULTIPLICATION WAR and MATH BINGO APP - recommended by Lucia

Here is a link to the itunes store for the recommended app:

Here is a link to the instructions on how to play multiplication war with a deck of cards:

A 5 star stick note review on one or both of these games is due this Wednesday.

Have fun!


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Tonight's Math Game is METEOR MULTIPLICATION recommended by Gretchen

 You can find the game under "Multiplication" at

Here is the direct link:

Please bring in a 5 star review sticky note with a comment to class tomorrow.


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tonight's Math Game Site is - recommended by Anokha

Matrix Logic Puzzles at

Click on the red "Solve a Logic Puzzle" hyperlink to try it out.

Here's the link directly to the logic puzzle creator:

Here's a link the the Puzzle Baron Site:

Here's a link to the page explaining Logic Puzzles:

Remember to give the site and/or game one to 5 stars and a brief statement explaining your star review.


(Remember there's a 10 minute minimum for time spent on these math activities.)

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Tonight's math game is Math Man - recommended by Jake.

You'll find it on the Sheppards Software site.

Your job is to play the game for at least 10 minutes and then give the game a star review. On a sticky note give the game one to five stars. Write a comment on your note about the game. Bring your sticky note with you to class tomorrow. 

Monday, September 28, 2015

Visit the Field Museum's Vikings page to explore the exhibit before our field trip this Friday.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Front-end Estimation with Adjustment

Check out this video for a review on "front-end estimation with adjustment" if you need a refresher while doing tonight's homework:


Thursday, September 10, 2015

Hooray! New Fifth Graders! (Here's your first math game.)

Please practice your facts for at least 10 minutes tonight. Don't forget to look at your timed quiz and focus on problems you missed. You may also play this game.

Math Facts Game

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Happy Summer! Ms. Frank's Summer Suggestions Web Site is Up

I hope you are all having lovely long days. I've been enjoying every minute of this summer break so far. There's still plenty of time left in this break from school. IF you are looking for some things to do to help keep you connected to your school studies, there are many ways to keep active. Follow your interests this summer. Use your time to build upon what you really like and what makes you feel great. Also use the time to practice and prepare for what you know you need to do.

I've put together a few suggestions on a web site. These suggestions are meant only to point you in a direction and are not representative of any specific curriculum. If you are reading and keeping your math skills fresh, you're doing just fine. My only hope for the links and recommendations is that they will help you find resources and materials if you are looking for them. None of this is required, but it is encouraged. I may add to the site as the summer goes along. If you've found something great that's you'd like to share feel free to leave a comment or send me an email with a suggestion.

Have a great summer!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Practice and review sites for tomorrows fraction quiz

The bottom of each of these pages has practice problems. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for practice problems.Try the problems out to check your understanding.

The page itself reviews the process for dividing, multiplying adding or subtracting fractions. Review the steps if you have any incorrect problems then try again.





(Don't forget to spend AT LEAST 20 minutes taking notes for your research project!!!!!)

Sunday, April 26, 2015

While I am away use these videos to help you complete your math homework each night:


Adding fractions with like denominators is easy, but remember if  your fractions don't have like denominators you MUST convert one or both of the fractions in the addition or subtraction problem.

You'll have to find EQUIVALENT fractions.

Rewrite your addition or subtraction problem with fractions that have the same denominator, then solve.


The link to the videos on these sites looks like this:
It's in the upper left hand corner of the page.

Thursday, April 2, 2015


Please read about Feudalism online and record your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Medieval Documentaries

This site offers a number of online documentaries with useful information. Many of the documentaries are focused on entertainment and offer a fun way to enter this subject, but at other times the entertainment factor is distracting. That said, all have good information and offer a chance to take a look at life in the Middle Ages. Some of the documentaries create an exaggerated sense of drama or humor. In our class discussions please share your opinions and ask  questions about any documentary you choose to view.

The documentary we are currently viewing in class is The Greatest Knight.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Equivalent Fraction Splat

Practice thinking of fractions as different ways to cut a whole into equal parts with

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

We Shall Overcome Lyrics

Tomorrow we will gather for the first annual Lower Martin Luther King, Jr. Assembly. We will sing "We Shall Overcome" together. Here is a link to lyrics, sung by Pete Seger. The image you see is a picture of Pete Seger.

We Shall Overcome

Adjacent and Vertical Angles Game

Practice using your knowledge about intersecting lines to find the measurement of adjacent supplementary angles and vertical (opposite) angles.

Parabolic Art - Let's try some of these!

Here's a great site offering more designs to try. We will discuss what a parabola is in class.

Based on the line art designs you've made or looked at and the designs on this page, what do you think a parabola is?

How many of these designs can you make?

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Polygon Game

Remember a polygon is a closed shape with straight sides. It is two-dimensional (also known as a plane shape.)

Have fun identifying polygons and non-polygons with this game.