I hope you are all having lovely long days. I've been enjoying every minute of this summer break so far. There's still plenty of time left in this break from school. IF you are looking for some things to do to help keep you connected to your school studies, there are many ways to keep active. Follow your interests this summer. Use your time to build upon what you really like and what makes you feel great. Also use the time to practice and prepare for what you know you need to do.
I've put together a few suggestions on a web site. These suggestions are meant only to point you in a direction and are not representative of any specific curriculum. If you are reading and keeping your math skills fresh, you're doing just fine. My only hope for the links and recommendations is that they will help you find resources and materials if you are looking for them. None of this is required, but it is encouraged. I may add to the site as the summer goes along. If you've found something great that's you'd like to share feel free to leave a comment or send me an email with a suggestion.
Have a great summer!