Saturday, April 13, 2019

Growth and Reproduction Unit Resources

Here is a list of useful resources to go along with our Growth and Reproduction Unit presentations. If you have questions remember your parents, teachers, and counselors are all available.

An oldie but a goodie from PBS and the Children's Television Workshop:

Inspiration for your Book Bag Designs!

1) Take a look at your bookshelves!
You've been learning about the design elements of books while preparing to vote for the Sutherland award. Use that knowledge to study your own books. 
- Look at the way the whole cover of the book is used.
- Looking at the whole cover means you need to look at the "spaces in between". What shapes are made between the drawings and letters that are on the cover? What is the background color? What do these things make you feel or think about? 

2) Think about the themes of your book. 
- Use your sticky notes to remind you what are the emotions and messages that are important throughout the book. You may be able to find images of these things or symbols that represent them to use on our bag.

3) DON'T just copy the book cover that already exists for the book. That's another artist's interpretation of things. You can incorporate that design in your design, but you have to share your connection to the book and your interpretations. It's fine if they are similar but it's not OK if they are exactly the same.

Check out these websites for some inspiration: