Sunday, June 16, 2019

Drug Addiction by Julian

(This paper was the product of our research unit. Students researched "Tough Talk" topics. These topics emerged from themes from novels we read over the year in small groups. Students explored topics that hooked them and made them want to dig deeper, developed a question around that topic, searched for answers and shared what they found. )

Drugs are addicting in many ways that consume the human mind into a hole that says only one word: addiction. Addiction is a disease that overcomes the human mind with not only wanting to want a drug but that they need it. Drug abuse or drug addiction with youths is inspired by adults using drugs to cope with stress or other life issues. People are also dragged into the world of drugs due to religious, social or personal views of whether drugs are appealing or not. But youths can also be influenced to use drugs especially by friends, gang members or any neighborhood acquaintances. Addiction sprouts from some materials, consisting of drugs (cocaine, heroine, or marijuana) and nicotine (cigarettes) and much more.

Scientists believe that consuming drugs by injecting them or sniffing up the substance triggers and activates the brains ‘reward system’ which means that the brain increases the release of the chemical called dopamine from neurons in special places in the brain. The chemical is usually released at a regular pace but increases when going through pleasurable experiences.

The drug also enters the blood, and from the blood, the drug is carried through the veins to the brain and other tissues where it lets its devastating characteristics roam free. The method by which drugs are taken affects the speed of its characteristics setting in. For example, injections or smoking produce the fastest onset and most intense peak affects. Although taking drugs from the mouth as pills or sniffing the substance range longer than smoking or injections but have less intense effects.When taking drugs, there are two types of addiction. Physical and mental or Psychological addiction. Physical addiction is when the human body starts consuming the addictive substance on a daily basis and the body becomes dependent on the substance. That means that the cells in the body can't function properly without the drug in its system. The result invites painful withdrawal symptoms to try to get rid of the drug and most people reach for the drug to make the pain go away. Mental or Psychological addiction is when the human body and mind starts to become emotionally tied to the drug and when taken away, the human becomes sad or angry, but when given back, the human body experiences happiness or tranquility. Mental or Psychological addiction is also based on a mental desire for the drug.

The figurative battle between medical drugs and illegal or extreme drugs still rages in some minds. Some drugs are used for medical purposes, for patients in the process of a painful Medical procedure. Since drugs that are used could become addictive, doctors or other medically trained personnel use little of the drug. The drugs used are not so extreme like heroin or cocaine but are more subtle painkillers like opioids and morphine. Doctors also give prescription drugs but they give only small amounts so the patient does not become addicted and ask for more and go down the dangerous path of addiction. When denied prescription drugs, most patients reach for more available drugs like heroin and crack.

Illegal or extreme drugs are drugs that are highly addictive, and may lead to physical or psychological addiction. These extreme drugs bring a pathway to death due to overdose and severe damage to the brain. Some drugs like marijuana are prompted illegal in the United States due to its high addictiveness and large death toll. But due to so much illegal drug activity that included Marijuana, 21 states have decided to legalize

Marijuana. In New Jersey, some lawmakers are fighting for legalization of Marijuana due to so much imprisonment due to minor Marijuana offences. This debate failed due to the high support of citizens of New Jersey and other rival authorities. The opposing side argued for marijuana to stay illegal because if not, more young lives would be ruined because of addiction, abuse and overdose. On the other hand the opposite side argued that jails would be less crowded. This debate failed which was a failed mission for New Jersey Governor, Philip D. Murphy, since he made legalizing Marijuana one of his main tasks since he took office in January 2018. All drug addiction can come from morphine or other painkillers all the way to Marijuana and all of them have the same effects ranging from nausea to emotional effects to the human body. Some people or drug addicts are so addicted to drugs that even if the drug prices are very expensive, they don't stop and instead find cheaper drugs to satisfy
themselves. Drug dealers supply drugs worldwide to people of all ages.

Drug dealers run their businesses in cartels. For example, a cartel in Columbia was called the Medellin cartel and was run by Pablo Escobar. Since drug lord or gangs are frowned upon by the government, they have violent gangs with stockpiles of weapons due to government attacks and rival gang terror.Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria or better known as Pablo Escobar was a Columbian drug lord and narcoterrorist. Pablo Escobar was often called the “King of Cocaine” since he supplied 80% of cocaine at the height of his career. It is very important to wipe out drug lords like Pablo because they are destroying young lives day by day.

Drug dealers rely mostly on making money by infiltrating the US border and selling drugs through imports and drug trafficking. Drug trafficking is usually done in places where there is normally not so much tightened security and high punishment. Pablo Escobar specialized in importing drugs into the USA. Drug imports and trafficking interferes with the economy in many different ways as do different species of crime. The effects begin largely from direct and indirect influences due to the huge amount of money made by the illegal trade of drugs but also by the impact of losses of corrupt companies and businesses associated with drug trade.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Humans and Their Horrible Habits by Zoey

This slide show was the product of our research unit. Students researched "Tough Talk" topics. These topics emerged from themes from novels we read over the year in small groups. Students explored topics that hooked them and made them want to dig deeper, developed a question around that topic, searched for answers and shared what they found. 

Check out Zoeys's Presentation on the decline of the koala population.

Capital Punishment by Danyal

This paper was the product of our research unit. Students researched "Tough Talk" topics. These topics emerged from themes from novels we read over the year in small groups. Students explored topics that hooked them and made them want to dig deeper, developed a question around that topic, searched for answers and shared what they found. 

Capital Punishment,Should it be Abolished?


By Danyal 

What is the death penalty?
The death penalty is a punishment used by the government which involves killing a criminal. The death penalty has been used since 1750 BC for murder, treason, rape, and arson. The death penalty today has many types of punishments such as firing squad, hanging, lethal injection (the most common) and beheading. It is a very controversial subject.
The history of the death penalty.

The death penalty has been used for a very long time. The death penalty used to consist of much more barbaric punishments such a judus cradle, crucification, stoning, and the guillotine ( a beheading machine). The guillotine was the most common form of death penalty in France. Efforts to try to abolish the death penalty began at the end of the 15th century by the quakers (Society of Friends ). Also, an Italian jurist named Cessare Buccaria wrote essays on crime and punishments to inspire influential thinkers to oppose torture, flogging ( being hit with a stick multiple times), and the death penalty.
Supporters of the death penalty

The supporters of the death penalty think that it is useful in reducing crime rates in the way that it teaches criminals to think twice before making a bad choice. They think that the government should not spend so much money on criminals, they also think that if the death penalty did manage to get abolished, future criminals would not be scared to break the law. Supporters also think that it is humane and very safe. Many people think that there are no racial or religious biases in the death penalty. However critics very much disagree. In Saudi Arabia, if you get caught for theft, murder, or rape you go to the chop chop square ( a square where people watch executions) where many people come to see you die.

Opposers of the Death penalty

Against the supporters are obviously the opposers. The opposers think that the death penalty does not deter crime, is unhumane, and can result in punishing the wrong person. In many cases, an innocent person is executed later to be found innocent by further evidence. In 1944 a 14 year old black child named George Stinney was discriminated against and wrongly accused of murder. He then was sentenced to the electric chair but later found to be innocent. Also, critics argue that there are many racial and religious biases in the death penalty. Cases including incarceration( being held in prison) and the execution of a criminal cost near 3 million dollars while cases including incarceration for life costs a little over a million dollars. That is a big price range. The lethal injection(the most common form of punishment in the death penalty) cost went up and now costs $16,500

Koalas in Decline by Katherine

Check out Katherine's Presentation on the decline of the koala population.

This presentation was the product of our research unit. Students researched "Tough Talk" topics. These topics emerged from themes from novels we read over the year in small groups. Students explored topics that hooked them and made them want to dig deeper, developed a question around that topic, searched for answers and shared what they found.