Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Nominated Charities for the 5th Grade Bake Sale Funds

3 organizations have been nominated to receive the funds raised by our fifth grade bake sale. Check out their websites. The entire fifth grade will vote Thursday or Friday of this week to determine which organization receive a gift in honor of this years fifth grade. 

The Poor People's Campaign
Website: https://www.poorpeoplescampaign.org/

The Hyde Park Refugee Project
Website: https://hydeparkrefugeeproject.org/

St. Jude's Children's Hospital
Website: https://www.stjude.org/

Monday, April 9, 2018

Medieval Food Resources


Things you can bring even if you need something quick and


Desserts: candied ginger, dried fruit, shortbread cookies,
dates, yogurt with honey, marzipan / almond paste, fresh
whole or cut up fruit, candied nuts, baklava, candied orange
peels, quince paste (sold as "membrillo"), fruit and nut
"cake" (Spanish "Pan de Orejon"), butter wafer cookies
(Trader Joe's has these), tiny fruit tarts *
Nibbles: cheese, olives, nuts, hard boiled eggs, hummus and
vegetables / pita bread, salami and other cured meats,
pickled mushrooms, pickled vegetables (check the New World /
Old World lists above), pâté
Salad mix with oil and vinegar dressing
Rotisserie chicken, pre-cooked ham, smoked fish, sausages
and mustard, pre-cooked meatballs (especially with a simple
medieval sauce like any of the ones based on vinegar,
spices, and bread crumbs)


Pasta (cheese ravioli, egg noodles, etc.) with butter and